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Remote patient monitoring tech, built by a team with decades of hands-on healthcare experience

We understand that tech is just one piece of the puzzle when deploying digital health. We take pride in delivering health outcomes and real change, not just technology.
Clinitouch Platform Remote Patient Monitoring
Provided by
Spirit Health Logo

A healthcare company first and foremost, we’re proud to be part of the Spirit Health family. Born out of a desire to make health easy for all, we’ve been developing Clinitouch since 2011.

When our medical director Dr Noel O’Kelly first travelled the world researching innovative models of care for people with COPD and heart failure, he could immediately see how remote monitoring could benefit his patients.

More than a decade later, the Clinitouch platform has grown to power 25+ remote monitoring pathways across a diverse range of health conditions, including some of the most ambitious rollouts of innovative “hospital-at-home” virtual wards in the NHS. 

We’re a close-knit team who are passionate about working closely with our partners on delivering straightforward solutions and better health outcomes for all.

"For us, we’re driven by outcomes that just make clinical sense and ultimately we’re rewarded by solving a lot of people’s problems."

"We help clinicians with their pain points, in any pathway, to unearth the opportunities and possibilities of digital tech - but importantly I show them how this granularly helps them and their patients.

It’s my belief that through this conversation we get to the good stuff of understanding and facilitating change. We work together with clinicians to see the opportunities that don’t have to be overwhelming - but match them to their own capabilities so they really work for them."

Noel O'Kelly
Noel O'Kelly
Medical Director
We’ve seen that over-complicated means unused - that’s why we keep our tech smart, yet simple. We pride ourselves on implementing change and health outcomes, not just tech.
Learn more about how we work

"I’m a data guy and I’m here to help clinicians understand how that data can work for them to deliver better and more efficient services."

"We’re different in that we talk to the people that make the health system work.

We use their expertise, combined with our tech and knowledge, to show them the pathways that they can benefit from the most. Taking the time to understand and evaluate - because we’re not about selling something in without any true value."

Jim Swift
Jim Swift
Health Economist

"We’re a close-knit team obsessed with driving genuine improved health outcomes. The aim is to get patients out of hospital and make clinical resources go further."

"And we do this by working hard to build our partnerships. Our success has always been tied to our partners' success; and they will always be one & the same.

We’re challenging the big guys with even bigger goals to achieve by 2025, where our aim is to deploy Clinitouch to help people around the world, including in low-to-middle income countries."

Chris Barker
Chris Barker

"We are selling a solution to health system problems  - not just software."

"Through my own experience within the NHS, I know just how much service delivery can vary in different places. What we do brilliantly is combine the knowledge of how to deliver services with what we know about making technology fit - so our conversations with clinicians are always focused around their needs and how we can practically help.

We genuinely ‘get’ the problems and the complexities around how challenging deployment is … for example, how shift patterns work, how to coordinate several ward deployments, what the training needs might be – we understand the important and real nitty gritty. Any problem they may see is a shared problem and we work together to solve it."

Nadine Miles
Nadine Miles
Director of Service Delivery

We focus on transparent health outcomes, not tech metrics

Because of our clinical backgrounds, we understand that tech is just one piece of the puzzle when deploying digital tools to bring about real-world health outcomes.

We aren’t about selling something that won’t work or create any benefits - and we always focus our efforts on delivering these genuine outcomes for patients.

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