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Enabling clinicians to spot deterioration in asthma patients sooner

Asthma exacerbations can lead to hospital admissions. Clinitouch remote monitoring can help to reduce these admissions while assisting people with asthma to self-manage their condition.
Estimated savings per patient when using a Clinitouch virtual ward
Reduction in unscheduled COPD hospital admissions
Swift, J. et al. (2022)
Ghosh, S. et al. (2016)

Proactively monitor for breathlessness, excessive use of reliever and more

See a patient’s peak flow trend over a period of time to aid clinical decisions. Focus on patients that need the most attention so that you can save time - reducing hospital admissions, lowering readmissions, and improving patient outcomes.

See a patient’s peak flow trend over a period of time to aid clinical decisions. Focus on patients that need the most attention so that you can save time - reducing hospital admissions, lowering readmissions, and improving patient outcomes.

Proactively monitor for breathlessness, excessive use of reliever and more

Patient Stories
Clinician Story

For asthma patients this is a great benefit as they are supported in their recovery on the virtual ward. Plus, they can get back to a sense of normality at home whilst still being connected to their clinicians.”

Dr Noel O'Kelly, Medical Director, Spirit Health

Asthma Virtual Ward in Leicestershire is helping to reduce the risk of asthma re-admissions.

Patients admitted to hospital due to an asthmatic episode are now safely discharged on to a virtual ward and continue their treatment and recovery at home. Find out how this virtual ward actually works and how it is making a positive impact in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland ICS.
Please click here to read more

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