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Clinical Monitoring Team

Extra flexible workforce support to provide clinical capacity when needed

Our experienced in-house clinical monitoring team is available to help monitor patients if your workforce needs some assistance.
Clinitouch Platform Remote Patient Monitoring
Provided by
Spirit Health Logo

So whether it’s supporting the initial launch whilst you find your feet, providing a wraparound service for weekend monitoring, or delivering the service in its entirety, we can provide the experienced clinical support you need, for as long as you need it.

Our team of senior nurses can monitor patients, review question set data and look out for patients showing signs of early deterioration. They can follow up with high-risk patients and advise or escalate accordingly.

We know that getting the right workforce in place can be a major barrier to launching new digital health initiatives like remote patient monitoring and virtual wards.

Clinician Story
Patient Stories

“Last weekend one of our COVID virtual ward patients flagged “red” in our system. When we rang the gentleman and chatted to him, his oxygen saturations had dropped right down - we contacted the on-call registrar at the hospital and arranged for him to be readmitted.

Whilst the idea behind the virtual ward is to safely monitor people at home, we can recognise deterioration very quickly and will arrange for them to go back into hospital if it’s appropriate to do so.”

Karen Moore, Clinical Operations Lead, Spirit Health

Providing proactive care through remote monitoring to help vulnerable assisted living residents

Read all about our deployment in East Midlands, where our experienced Clinical Monitoring Team of have been monitoring frail patients
Read our Case Study
Step-by-step support from our expert team to help set you up for success
Learn more about implementation