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Safely discharge COVID-19 patients sooner using technology-enabled virtual wards

With hospital admission rates hitting record highs during the pandemic - remote patient monitoring helps to shift the dial and move care from hospitals to homes.
Reduction in re-admissions for COVID-19 patients discharged with Clinitouch
Estimated savings per patient when using a Clinitouch virtual ward
Recommendation percentage using the NHS Friends and Family test
Estimated bed days saved when using a virtual ward
NHSX (2022)
Swift, J. et al. (2022)
Service evaluation for COPD and Heart Failure patients using Clinitouch in Leicestershire (Apr – Nov 2020)
Swift, J. et al. (2022)

Care for COVID-19 patients at home with our award-winning platform

Named ‘Best COVID-19 Remote Monitoring Solution’ Clinitouch has what you need to support patients at home. Through remote monitoring patients' vital signs such as oxygen saturation, Clinitouch can help to increase hospital capacity, reduce re-admissions, and can save healthcare systems money.

Named ‘Best COVID-19 Remote Monitoring Solution’ Clinitouch has what you need to support patients at home. Through remote monitoring patients' vital signs such as oxygen saturation, Clinitouch can help to increase hospital capacity, reduce re-admissions, and can save healthcare systems money.

Care for COVID-19 patients at home with our award-winning platform

Patient Stories
Clinician Story

"By working with Spirit, it has allowed us to ensure all appropriate patients can be discharged from hospital and be supported in their own homes using the virtual ward."

Alex Woodward, Deputy Cardio-Respiratory Lead, Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust

COVID-19 virtual ward eases capacity in hospitals at a crucial time

Glenfield Hospital's virtual ward in Leicester enabled earlier supported discharge for COVID-19 patients. Learn how the the hospital was able to save a considerable number of bed days, reduce costs and half the re-admission rate for these patients.
Click here to read more

It wasn't a replacement for what care they would have got in hospital

Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust has been using Clinitouch since November 2020 to provide a virtual ward for COVID-19 patients. Taken from our recent panel discussion around the lessons we learned when delivering a virtual ward, Daisy Savage shares how care on the virtual ward mirrors the levels of care patients would receive in hospital.

Step-by-step support from our expert team to help set you up for success
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