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Virtual ward reduces re-admissions for post colorectal resection patients

Case Studies
Date Published
January 30, 2023
Date Published
Raj Phull
Virtual ward reduces re-admissions for post colorectal resection patients

An innovative, new virtual ward now supports post colorectal resection patients in Leicester. Clinicians at the NHS trust identified common complications and related symptoms in the first 30 days after colorectal surgery. They used pre-tested scoring systems to categorise complications, which were merged with the modified NEWS score.

Aims & Objectives

  • To avoid unnecessary hospital visits and reduce 30-day re-admission rate
  • To pick-up any post-surgery complications as early as possible
  • To safely discharge patients using the virtual ward with ERAS protocol
  • To allow patients to return home sooner and continue their recovery from surgery

How it works?

  • Patient - if suitable, the post colorectal resection patient is discharged from hospital and provided with remote monitoring equipment. At home, the patient answers health questions and takes vital sign readings on Clinitouch.
  • Clinitouch - the platform has unique algorithms that automatically analyse and risk-score the data. It will highlight when any patient moves outside the agreed parameters.
  • Specialist Colorectal Team - monitor the patient on Clinitouch which features a prioritised patient list with red, amber, green rating to highlight where action might be required. If patient is flagged as amber or red, interventions are made. Red flags include certain wound discharge, vomiting or complications that may arise for patients with a stoma bag.

Dr. Muhammad Fahad Ullah, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust comments:

“A colorectal virtual ward provides extended hospital care after a patient has had an operation and discharged. The virtual ward is technology based but backed by humans and allows patients to receive support in the comfort of their home."

Virtual ward reduces re-admissions for post colorectal resection patients

Case Studies
Date Published
January 30, 2023
Raj Phull
Virtual ward reduces re-admissions for post colorectal resection patients

An innovative, new virtual ward now supports post colorectal resection patients in Leicester. Clinicians at the NHS trust identified common complications and related symptoms in the first 30 days after colorectal surgery. They used pre-tested scoring systems to categorise complications, which were merged with the modified NEWS score.

Aims & Objectives

  • To avoid unnecessary hospital visits and reduce 30-day re-admission rate
  • To pick-up any post-surgery complications as early as possible
  • To safely discharge patients using the virtual ward with ERAS protocol
  • To allow patients to return home sooner and continue their recovery from surgery

How it works?

  • Patient - if suitable, the post colorectal resection patient is discharged from hospital and provided with remote monitoring equipment. At home, the patient answers health questions and takes vital sign readings on Clinitouch.
  • Clinitouch - the platform has unique algorithms that automatically analyse and risk-score the data. It will highlight when any patient moves outside the agreed parameters.
  • Specialist Colorectal Team - monitor the patient on Clinitouch which features a prioritised patient list with red, amber, green rating to highlight where action might be required. If patient is flagged as amber or red, interventions are made. Red flags include certain wound discharge, vomiting or complications that may arise for patients with a stoma bag.

Dr. Muhammad Fahad Ullah, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust comments:

“A colorectal virtual ward provides extended hospital care after a patient has had an operation and discharged. The virtual ward is technology based but backed by humans and allows patients to receive support in the comfort of their home."

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