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Care Homes

Connecting care homes residents with clinicians to reduce hospitalisations and improve wellbeing

Clinitouch remote monitoring helps healthcare teams spot signs of deterioration among residents sooner, allowing earlier intervention and better health outcomes
Provided by
Spirit Health Logo
Clinitouch Platform Remote Patient Monitoring
Clinician Dashboard

Frail and elderly people are far better cared for in their usual place of residence.

Our expert team have deployed remote monitoring in numerous care homes, connecting staff, residents and doctors to seamlessly support the daily observation of patients. 

We can guide you step-by-step in how to use our technology to intervene earlier when residents show signs of deterioration, reduce hospital admissions, cut consultation time and offer peace of mind that a clinical team is keeping track of residents’ wellbeing.

Reduction in unscheduled COPD hospital admissions
Recommendation percentage using the NHS Friends and Family test
Ghosh, S. et al. (2016)
Service evaluation for COPD and Heart Failure patients using Clinitouch in Leicestershire (Apr – Nov 2020)
Clinician Story
Patient Stories

"By having Clinitouch in place, we have real-time remote access to a patient's status and can triage more quickly and more effectively, while also saving healthcare resources, including money, time, staff and equipment."

Dr Amit Rama - GP Clinical Lead - Rushey Mead Health Centre

Clinitouch can be used to monitor the health of care home residents easily across multiple conditions.

Care homes have been challenged immensely since the Covid-19 pandemic, facing numerous challenges with staff vacancies, funding and inequalities in the level of healthcare support.

Clinitouch supports care home staff by connecting care teams with GPs to monitor residents' health. Carers and nurses can record vital signs and answer questionnaires with or for each patient.

Our easy-to-use platform then provides doctors with a quick-look dashboard to assess where intervention is needed.
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